Protect it With Rubber
Stop repurchasing parts multiple times per season and start protecting your existing equipment with rubber. Why rubber? Natural rubber is a relatively low-cost lining material used for both corrosion and abrasion protection. Soft natural rubber of a hardness around 40-50 durometer is highly resilient and provides superior abrasion-resistant qualities compared to other lining materials. Typical applications include pump housing, fan systems, linings, and parts tumbling barrels. In fact, there are few limitations to what we can cover with natural rubber because it is such a flexible, customizable material. We can line both new and existing pieces of equipment.
Stop Spout Damage in Its Tracks
In the mining and aggregate industries, steel spouts take the brunt of abrasion. The wear and tear is significant, and the price is high for new steel spouts. Save yourself the trouble and the money by protecting them with Tuff-Tube, our proprietary solution for spout abrasion resistance. The Tuff-Tube is created from our unique EnduraWear polyurethane blend and given the specific attributes to withstand the inundation of particles. Tuff-Tube is easy to install - simply slide it into the existing spout and rotate it every 6 months to spread out the wear surface. Because it is seamless, particles will not cause damage by working their way between the spout and the liner. Stop replacing costly steel spouts and instead, protect the ones you have with the Tuff-Tube!
Every industry has unique challenges and issues with abrasion, corrosion, or impact – and that’s why you’re here! Fortunately, we’ve seen many things in our 60+ years of business. For most anything, we can create a customized solution to protect your equipment from the wear and tear that have been slowly eating away at your profits. With Sioux Rubber & Urethane, there’s a new way of doing business that keeps money in your pocket and equipment running smoothly. Give us a call for a quote today!